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Enroll Now

 Contact Ms. Eszter to Enroll

Toddler boy playing with a wooden train set in a play room.


I cannot wait to get to know you, your child, and welcome your family.


Please call or email Ms. Eszter if you are interested in enrolling.

For more information call



or email


  • Do you have your clearances to work with children?
    Yes, I have all the required clearances: PA Child Abuse History Clearance, PA State Police Criminal Record Check, and FBI History BAckground Check.
  • What is your approach on nutrition?
    I believe that children grow and develop best when they eat good quality food. I am proud to cook food for the children in my care, and I am happy to make accomodations to fit your family's dietary needs.
  • What are the children learning about?
    Themes we learn about change every two weeks. Some of these are: My Place in Space, What the Weather, My Community, Feelings/ Kindness, Food and Flavors. In each theme, children get to play in a new dramatic play, sensory activities, gross motor activities, number recognition, letter recognition, art. I enhance each theme with a new set of puzzles, and manipulatives,
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